How to encourage creative thinking of your employees


Even in an environment where routine activities bring desired results, you can promote innovative thinking of your employees to do the work in a little different way or more easily. The TLNT website provides several ideas on how to create such a creative environment:

Adapt the workplace

Companies like Google provide space for developing new ideas of their employees in the form of various team (or individual) activities, time-offs, or even the possibility to start their own projects during working hours. It is not always possible to afford such a comfort. Try at least to provide a positive and open environment without excessive stress. Also, provide the necessary tools like software or training.

Enhance diversity of ideas and motivate team members

Avoid the one-way thinking of a homogeneous team. Instead, support innovative thinking by diversity of opinions, working styles and processes and offer an outside view. Appreciate benefits of team work and support its morale with bonuses, rewards or special privileges.

Build creative teams

Create an internally diverse group that will focus primary on innovation. Even the teams that will meet for this purpose only once or twice a week and the rest of the time do a routine work may submit interesting results.

Do not punish failures

It is not possible to think creatively under the threat of punishment. Failures should be expected. Ideally, provide some extra space for employees to anonymously express their needs e.g. through the suggestion box.

You may think that your business does not need innovative thinking because it works as intended. Believe that someone new and more creative can enter the market at any time and you will be forced to change your current practices. Do you already have a plan B?


Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders
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