5 things you should know about career

Career is mostly a more demanding process than we imagine when we move from school to work. What difficult life lessons our career will bring us should we prepare to? Alison Green, the author of a popular management blog on the U.S. News website, advises:

1. You will have to promote yourself

Yes, you guess right - nobody else will do it for you. Don't rely on your employer to see your talent and professional success automatically and offer you a higher salary and promotion.

2. You are doing it for yourself

You might think that it is pointless to try to reach something your employer will not appreciate particularly. In such a case, remember because of who you are doing what you are doing - because of yourself. Build a good reputation in your field regardless of the current employer.

3. Bad boss can ruin even the best work

Neither great work nor great colleagues will help you if your boss makes hell out of each your day. Before taking a job, always try to examine how you can get along with your direct supervisor.

4. You can't recognize a dream job from the outside

Even if you think you have your dream job ahead of you, you can never say it for sure until you try it in practice. Many people find that the work that originally looked like a dream job entails an annoying boss, even worse colleagues and long hours of tedious work. You can minimize the risk by a sufficient vigilance in the recruitment process.

5. School won't guarantee you a job automatically

Academic degrees won't guarantee a good job and sometimes even any job at all. The practice you gain during your studies is essential. Only studying is really not enough.


Article source U.S. News & World Report - news and information focused on education, health, money, travel and opinion
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