How to work with people according to their nature


Likeability among people is the foundation for the success of the entire office. Conflict among people leads to decreased productivity, which is why it is necessary to adapt to various people types and prevent these situations.

There are five ways of handling various types of people:

1. Provide feedback in the right form. People react badly to criticism, even if it comes from a person they respect. That is why you should start positively, then communicate the information that the other person could react badly to, and end the discussion with something positive again.
2. Discover which way of working they prefer. If you know that your colleague constantly strives to have an empty inbox, email will probably not be the right communication tool. Do your utmost to not interrupt the given person’s productivity. This type of adaptation will turn you into a team player that respects the others.
3. Choose your battles well. Each conflict in the office involves costs in the form of decreased productivity and work delays. You therefore need to consider well whether it is really necessary to deal with the given issue, even if you are right. Relationships are frequently more important than proof that you yourself are competent.
4. Realize that you are a part of a team. Even though everyone in the office has different opinions and a different nature, they are all working towards the same goals.
5. Respect the knowledge and skills of others. Most people want to be heard and appreciated. You should therefore respect it when colleagues have knowledge that you don’t have. After all, nobody can know everything, which is why it’s better to surround yourself with people who fill your gaps. Moreover, if you ask them for their opinion, they will appreciate it and you will learn something extra.

Working with various natures is not easy, but it is necessary. You can’t change them, but you can maximize the chances that you’ll succeed in their company.


Article source U.S. News & World Report - news and information focused on education, health, money, travel and opinion
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