What marketers on social media should be doing

What do you need to know when preparing your marketing strategy? Read on to find out.


Develop strong relationships by providing good customer service also on social media. Social media are often used by customers for researching your products. When going through the reviews, customers usually come up with some questions they would like to ask.

Focus on responding promptly to customers’ comments so as to foster a positive experience with your brand. If you provide an excellent customer service on social media, you will enjoy the benefits of word of mouth from satisfied customers, according to an article on the business2community.com website.


Influencer marketing continues to evolve. The numbers of micro and nano influencers are increasing. Brands need to target their customers more and influencers enable them to focus on a particular domain. Famous celebrity influencers are often regarded as people who will do anything for money. Therefore micro and nano influencers are seen as much more trustworthy: they offer transparency and authenticity.

Micro and nano influencers are basically expert representatives or opinion leaders in a given industry or for a particular niche.

Segment your audience by generation

To formulate a winning marketing strategy, you need to know who to target and where. On social media customer segmentation is key. Choose the right target audience for the given product or service. Segmenting based on generation can bring you quite good results.

Be curious about the latest industry numbers. You need to know which social media are preferred by which generation in order to target potential customers on the right platform.


Article source business2community.com - open community for business professionals
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