Where to improve this year? Maybe in communication


Whatever field we are working in, our interpersonal skills have a major influence on how successful we will be in our career - e.g. how we can communicate, establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships, gain the trust of colleagues and customers. If you are, therefore, still wondering what to focus your personal development on in the new year, try interpersonal skills.

Learn to provide feedback

Both positive and negative feedback should be provided directly and immediately. Talking is, however, not enough. When you talk with someone, listen and ask questions. Never assume that you know what someone else wants or thinks. Comply with the rules of the organizational culture.

Don't try to change just the others

Seeing the mistakes of others is too simple. Try to focus more on your own behavior and mistakes. Accept also the fact that you will meet difficult people at work as well as in your private life, but that doesn't mean that you have to surround yourself by them.

Listen to others as well as yourself

You've probably already discovered that it is not enough to only show good performance. You must be able to communicate. Try, therefore, to focus on listening to others, don't interrupt them when they speak and learn to read their body language. Similarly, focus on yourself.

Expand your horizons

Stop taking care only of yourself and and look what is happening around you more. If you want to learn more about yourself via your surroundings, focus on who and what make you upset. Think about why that is like that and look for ways to prevent it.

Tell people what you want them to

When you invite others to discuss your ideas and problems, do not run a monologue. Tell them in advance what you expect from them - why they should participate and what your common goal is.

Find your biggest communication problems

Make a commitment to search the communication habits that are causing most problems in your career and in your relationships with other people in the workplace this year. Once you realize it, actively work on how to eliminate the causes.


Article source American Management Association - AMA official website
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