What will a bad boss never say?


Have you ever worked for a boss whose attitude undermined the ability of his entire to team to achieve the required results? Then you surely know that such a boss tends to be exactly the reason why competent people leave their jobs. Managers who are unable to organize their own time, swamp their people with insignificant tasks or regularly assign important things at the last minute equal stress and frustration.

The problem lies in the fact that the subordinates of these managers usually recognize that he is unable to manage the team productively before he does so himself. If you want to make sure that you are not one of these bosses, read the following sentences that “unproductive” bosses never say but do abide by – and that has to change. They were listed on the blog written by American consultant, publicist and author of the successful book Time Management Ninja Craig Jarrow.

It actually doesn’t have to be finished right away.”

Don’t urge subordinates to do something immediately if it’s going to lie unnoticed on your desk for at least a week.

“I send so many emails so that it looks like I’ve got a lot of work.”

If you think that the degree of your importance at the company depends on how many emails you send, then there really is something wrong with you.

“I convened this meeting because in reality I don’t know what’s going on.”

Do you really think that a meeting at which the participants learn that you don’t know anything won’t just be a waste of time for everyone?

“I also convene meetings to look important.”

Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you have to do it. Most people have more important things to do.

“I take credit for other people’s success.”

After all, it’s so easy. All you have to do is forward an email to the boss and sign under somebody else’s work...

“I came in late because I was in a discussion with another boss about his new car.”

Then it’s clear to your team that the subordinates’ time is of no importance to you.

“I’ve been looking at that simple thing to do for already a week in my email.”

When somebody sends you an email asking you to do something immediately, and it will only take you very little time, it’s most effective for both parties if you do it immediately.

“I don’t share information so that I look important.”

Then you can’t wonder why your team can’t work productively.

“I surf the Internet for at least a half a day.”

Surely you know that work is not the place where you should take care of your private affairs, play games or do your shopping. Nobody can avoid this from time to time, but it definitely should not happen every day. And definitely not in front of your subordinates’ eyes.


Article source Time Management Ninja - practical time management tips
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