Use your vacation to increase your EQ

Can you hardly wait for your vacation, and are you really determined to cut out work and just relax this year? That's great. However, it doesn't exclude the fact that you can do something for yourself on vacation that you'll be able to use at work too.

Vacation is an ideal time for having fun and regaining energy, but also for self-improvement. For example, you can improve your emotional intelligence, which is an increasingly desirable skill in almost every job. Now, how do you go about doing it?


The following tips were published on These steps will help you learn how to manage your emotions better and, moreover, you'll feel as if it was effortless.

1. Find time to think about yourself

Even if you're going to spend your vacation with your family and friends, you should also plan time for yourself. Try to think about yourself and your approach to other people for a moment. Think about which people you don't like and which you're attracted to. Why do you think that is?

2. Try to understand the people around you

A vacation is an ideal opportunity to look around and notice other people. You can involve your family but also watch strangers' faces. Try to think about what's happening to them, and how and why they think the way they do. You'll definitely find this skill useful at work.

3. Be assertive, but polite

Is it difficult for you to ask for something you want or need? This often creates unpleasant relationships at workplaces. So try to think about the worst thing that could happen when you ask for something. In the worst case, you won't get anything. Your situation will be the same as before the request.

On vacation you'll have plenty of opportunities to practice your assertiveness. There may be problems with accommodation, food, health, etc. You may have to deal with unpleasant situations and this is a great opportunity to improve. However, don't forget to always remain polite.

4. Consider your goals

New experiences from your vacation can show you what you are satisfied with in your life and which direction you don't want to follow any more. Try to think about what you are going to do after the vacation and what you should change to be more satisfied.

5. Do the things you don't have time for

There are surely a lot of activities you can't focus on during the year. Maybe you want to try some new things. Vacation is the time you should do it. Not only will you enjoy moments of pleasure and feel relaxed, you will also be tougher. When the vacation ends, look for ways to incorporate these activities in your everyday life.


Article source Fast Company - leading U.S. magazine and website for managers
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