Three ways to develop and maintain motivation in your team

Motivation of team members is one of the key tasks of their manager. Without motivation and a certain vision, a team cannot cooperate properly and ever achieve its full potential. Moreover, employees lacking motivation are at much higher risk of burnout. Therefore this article will look at how you as a manager can develop and maintain motivation in your team.


Development opportunities

Employees often become frustrated if they stagnate in one position, do not move anywhere and see no future development. You need to offer these workers the possibility of development, support their innovative ideas and allow them room for a certain progression and change in the status quo. Remember that stagnation is often the fatal trigger of demotivation, and help employees realise their ideas.

Deeper meaning and vision

According to McKinsey & Company, many employees, after some time, lose sight of the wider context and deeper meaning of their work. People's basic motivation consists in the belief they are doing something that matters. So try to motivate workers by awakening in them a real sense of purpose in what they do. Remind yourself of the company's core values and help team members find something in their job they truly enjoy.

Work and personal life balance

Demotivation often comes from an unresolved balance between work and personal life. Support team members in this area and offer them flexibility in combining these two often separate worlds so they do not feel deprived of their personal lives. Offer benefits they can use in their free time, with family and friends, or maybe organise company events where they can take their children, and so on.



Article source McKinsey & Company - global management consulting firm
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