The principles of informal mentoring


Do you have in your team less experienced employees who have great potential? If so, become their mentor. Most mentor relationships in companies form and work on an informal basis. The following practical tips for becoming a good informal mentor were brought by The QuickBase Blog.

1. Have the employees that you would like to mentor be right by your side as you work. Let them watch you as you conduct interviews, participate in meetings, handle strategic telephone calls, etc.
2. Discuss with them the complicated decisions that you are dealing with in your work. Explain how you think and why you select the solutions that you do.
3. Discuss their goals with them and actively search for ways how to help them achieve these goals.
4. Give them greater responsibility. Find tasks that are not easy for them and discuss how and why they make the decisions they do.
5. Give them an intern to manage. Then discuss the managerial challenges of managing people.
6. Provide regular feedback. Be direct and sincere.
7. Support their self-confidence so that they are aware of their strengths.
8. Promote them at an appropriate time or help them find the next career step.


Article source QuickBase Blog - The Fast Track - management blog
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