Some advice on using Fridays to your advantage and advancing your career

Friday is often a day on which people go home early from work; they finish off that week's projects and mostly see themselves doing some weekend activities. Many of them are reluctant to start any major tasks on a Friday. Here is some advice on how to make better use of Fridays by planning for the following week and even advancing your career.


These tips were published by

Plan the upcoming week

Friday is an ideal opportunity to plan the upcoming week. Prepare a clear plan, sort out your priorities, and you will then begin the new week with clear goals and a work plan.

Tidy your work space

Do not underestimate the importance of tidiness. You will be able to work better and more efficiently at a tidy working desk. You will be able to focus better, and not be subconsciously stressed out by having a mess around you. Do something good for your Monday self and tidy both your desk and the area around it.

Review your plans and strategic targets

The Friday slowdown may be an ideal time finally to end the daily hustle and review your plans. Find out where you are, what you want to achieve, and if necessary adjust your plans.

Educate yourself

It would be a shame to waste your Fridays doing nothing. If you have the time, you could educate yourself. Plan a course for Fridays, or find out what is new in your field of business.

Work on unpleasant tasks that would otherwise await you on Monday

Many people do not want to start any unpleasant tasks on Fridays. But this often only makes their Mondays worse, as they are forced to follow up on these duties. Use Fridays to make your life easier at the start of the new week; then it will be much easier for you to go to work on Monday morning.


Article source - TED is a nonprofit devoted to "Ideas Worth Spreading". 
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