Six tips on planning an effective and successful team building event

Team building events can play a crucial role in cementing a team and supporting relationships between its individual members. The team may also get a chance to test its organisation, internal processes and communication in new situations which they cannot encounter at the workplace. Here are six tips on how to ensure a team building event has maximum effect.


These tips were published by Presentation Magazine.

Define what you want to achieve

First of all, you need to define the aim of the event. Do you just want to have fun? Or learn something new? Get to know a new colleague better? Or solve a disagreement within the team? All these questions must be considered when planning a suitable team building event.

Include team members in the planning

Just because you are team manager does not mean you have to organise everything yourself. Involve the others in planning too, thus giving them the opportunity to prepare the event based on their own expectations.

Have backup plans ready

Especially if there are activities that rely on the weather or other factors you cannot influence, you need to have backup plans ready in case the conditions are not as you imagined them.

Give employees some space

Do not force team members to adhere to all the procedures as you planned them. Do not be a micromanager, give people a certain space to improvise and adapt their schedule; do not stick strictly to your own defined plan.

Ensure everyone is involved

Do not let less active or quieter members of your team stand aside during team activities and merely look on passively. Ensure everybody gets involved and everybody benefits from the team building.

Get feedback from the team

When the team building event has finished, ask the participants for feedback. Find out whether you reached your defined goals and, if necessary, make changes before the next event.



Article source Presentation Magazine - free presentation resources
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