Networking: Are benefits greater than the time invested?


Networking on social media can be time-consuming. Publicising your business and promoting your brand on, say, LinkedIn is commendable but getting sucked into discussions can be a costly activity with no clear gains. A strategy incorporating both online and offline activities is central to business development and this is true especially in the event you want to compete with larger companies, according to an article on the website.

Social capital: Digital and traditional networking must be combined

Successful firms network with many different communities, deploying both offline and online methods. The challenging part is always to integrate the two so that they complement each other.

The research suggests that offline and online activities must be used strategically. Strengthen effectiveness and avoid wasting precious time. Social capital is the quality of goodwill that is created through networking and similar activities. A company has high social capital when it has information and influence which enables it to become involved in the numerous opportunities for business development.

Create a clear strategy for networking events

The conclusion is clear: social media are no substitute for face-to-face networking. You do need to attend events and talk with people; however, it is vital to be selective so as not to be overloaded by events that should be attended.

Networking digitally

In our world virtual relationships are valued more highly than ever. Therefore it is essential to take a coordinated approach which combines traditional face-to-face networking with social media and other online tools.


Article source Business Matters - website of a leading British magazine for small and medium sized companies
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