Network with managers from other companies


Leaders who want to be really successful, should step away from their business from time to time and network with leaders from other companies. Thanks to doing this, you may get useful external insights and new knowledge.

The key is to find appropriate companies to connect with. Taking time from your day-to-day operations is probably difficult for many managers. Do not forget that your task is to move your company forward. To do it, you need to move away from your daily tasks and network with other managers. How to do it, was described

1) Do  research

Find companies you respect and contact their leaders. Ask them about other companies they are involved in. Make a list of potential firms you are interested in.

2) Evaluate costs

Consider the time you will need for each potential company and what it can give you in return. Evaluate whether cooperating is advantageous for you or not. You may decide to choose only one organization, but it is better than none at the beginning.

3) Use advanced search functions on LinkedIn

Find members of the company on LinkedIn. You may also have connections involved in organizations and they can help you to find other contacts. Reach out to them and meet at networking events or you may organize some event yourself.

4) Join a group

If managers are involved into some groups, try to join. Then you can start to be active within the group by attending events.

5) Communicate what you learned

Do not send out what you learned immediately by e-mail. It is better to meet with other members of your team and discuss your new knowledge in person.



Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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