Motivating salesmen and women: Don?t just think about money


When sales team managers think about motivating their people, usually they automatically think of money. This can be a big mistake, just like thinking that all salespeople are motivated by the same things. So what is the right way to motivate salespeople? The server recommends the following:

Ask everyone what they want

Ask your people directly what kind of performance reward other than money would suit them. You may be surprised by how many different suggestions you hear. Your aim should be to find out the wishes of all your team members and to look for ways of incorporating these wishes into realistic rewards.

Maintain a fair and fixed rewards plan

The fact that you begin to give your people non-monetary rewards does not mean that you should reduce their salaries and bonuses. Especially avoid making repeated changes to rewards plans during one particular year.

Establish a culture of recognition

You have probably already seen excellent salespeople who have left their job even though they were earning a lot of money with their previous employer. This generally happens because they do not feel that they are being given sufficient recognition by the company. The sales team manager should therefore build up a culture of motivation through non-monetary recognition. You can begin by celebrating successes achieved by your people.


Article source EyesOnSales - popular sales blog for Sales Professionals around the world
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