Manage your team positively


Positive psychology studies how positive emotions and experiences can be used in the lives of people and communities. It can also be applied in the management of work teams. This topic was recently covered on the website by psychologist Sarah Lewis, who also compiled a list of tips describing how positive psychology can be specifically used to make your team happier and therefore also more successful.

  • Start meetings by giving participants the opportunity to talk about the biggest success they had since the last meeting.
  • Incorporate existing employees’ stories into the process of onboarding new employees into the team.
  • Implement the practice of providing feedback in a ratio of three positive comments to one negative.
  • Provide feedback, and teach your team to provide feedback, by describing the behavior that you view as positive and expressing praise for this behavior.
  • Help employees reveal and develop their strengths.
  • Assign tasks according to the team members’ strengths and not strictly according to their roles.
  • Teach your people to actively react positively to good news they hear from others.
  • Seek people who have natural authority and naturally attract others. Place them into key roles on project work.


Article source Training Journal - practical content to assist anyone involved in workplace L&D
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