Learn to "manage" your boss


Perhaps any employee at some point in his life comes across a problematic boss. Generally, it is a boss with ill-mannered behaviour and poor communication skills, a person who cannot organise his work and puts the blame for all problems on his staff. If you have a boss of this kind and think that there is no other option but leave, you should know that there is another choice. You can learn to “manage” your boss without him even noticing. The eight following tips to achieve it were published by the business2community.com server.

1. Adjust the style of your behaviour

Observe what kind of communication style your boss prefers and in what way he makes decisions. The more you are able to adjust yourself to his communication habits the better you can influence him.

2. Look for the reasons why your boss does what he does

Whenever you talk to him, try to understand what interests him most. Then formulate your message according to it.

3. Inform your boss about what is going on

Find out whether your boss prefers e-mail or short personal conversations and regularly keep him informed this way. Most bosses will appreciate that you have a picture of the overall situation.

4. Try to help your boss with his weak points

Look for ways to help your boss and yourself at the same time. If for instance you know that your boss is always late for meetings offer him that you will do the opening part.

5. Keep your motivation

Most people who have a weak boss gradually stop attempting to achieve the best possible working performance. Eventually, they hurt only themselves. Therefore, always try to concentrate on how to do a good job.

6. Stay positive

Never complain at work or in public. You never know who might be listening. A positive style of behaviour will serve you better.

7. Do not let anybody to provoke you

If your boss bullies you with yelling and denouncing, do not respond. Instead of responding in the same way, ask questions and try to understand the situation. Gradually, you will see that your boss noted that this kind of behaviour does not affect you.

8. Think carefully whether to stand up against your boss before his superiors

If your boss is well-regarded by his superiors then he is good at upward management. Complaining to his superiors would then not help you.


Article source business2community.com - open community for business professionals
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