It does not pay to disregard workplace whiners

Whining employee is probably the last one a manager wants to hear when facing a pile of non-finished tasks. Workplace complainers can, however, quickly poison all other workers and it is therefore not appropriate to ignore them. How to manage them?

Above all, remember that you must approve such behavior - albeit unwittingly. As soon as you show sympathy, the whining employee will link this behaviour with your attention and start to manipulate you. State it sufficiently clear that whining will not be tolerated.

Once you notice whining, which the employee may not even realize, warn him. Explain that such behaviour can be tolerated only within certain limits.

As leaders, you should declare your position on perpetual complainers at the very beginning of your collaboration with a team. Emphasize that workplace is not a whining zone and take it really seriously. Explain that constant complaints cannot help achieve the goals of anyone.


Article source - newsletter articles from various fields
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