How to lead a virtual team

The ability to collaborate and share information remotely provides specific management challenges. Traditional models of team management are now increasingly necessary to adapt to the virtual working environment. How to manage employees remotely and maintain personal contact?

Building trust

In traditional teams, confidence is built through everyday personal interactions. People who see each other every day align their work and communication styles easier. In the virtual team, however, building trust requires more effort. The first step is to pay more attention to familiarize all team members. Allow them to choose the communication tools that are best for them and to ask questions on practical co-operation with virtual colleagues.

Information sharing

In traditional teams, team leader is the major distributor of information. In the virtual team, however, it is not always possible for him to know what is happening everywhere. Therefore, the team needs to be based on trust. Leader who believes his people do not have to check each individual step. He needs regular notification of progress in key activities.


In traditional teams, problems are being solved in real time. Virtual teams may, however, run into problems concerning time zones. If you do not want you to be contacted by employees at any time during the day or night, agree in advance on the ways of dealing with acute problems.

Motivating the team

In traditional teams, employees motivate each other by watching their achievements. Managers then invite them to one place for praise and joint celebrations. Virtual team members, on the other hand, may fall to feeling isolated. Therefore, more attention should be paid to sharing information about their achievements. Periodic e-mails but also personal phone calls will help you.


Article source Changeboard - a global HR community
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