How to cope with the stress managers face

People working in managerial positions often suffer more stress than their subordinates, partly because of their responsibilities. Their situation is only made worse by the fact they cannot show they are stressed out (or so they think) and try to hide it from others, due to both their position and their belief they serve as a role model to others. But in the long run, this approach leads to burnout. Here are some tips on how to cope with stress.


Learn to delegate better

As states, managers have the advantage of being able to delegate work to subordinates. But many of them either do not want to do this or do not know how to. Do not be afraid to delegate work to subordinates and develop a system for doing it effectively.

Focus on priorities

This advice applies to managers as much as to anyone else who is stressed. It goes as follows: when you are overwhelmed, do not get bogged down in details and do not waste time on minor issues. Identify your priorities and then focus on them. And above all, focus on what you can influence and do not waste energy on things you cannot.

Learn to relax

Even managers need to know how to relax. Remember to plan yourself some rest and do not allow stress to turn you into a workaholic. Only if you relax well will you be able to work effectively.

Talk openly about stress with your team

If you are facing stress, you do not have to keep it to yourself. On the contrary, it is a good opportunity to open up the subject with your team and show subordinates that the topic of mental health and stress management should be discussed in a transparent way.


Article source - TED is a nonprofit devoted to "Ideas Worth Spreading". 
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