How not to look too young at the office


At the beginning of his career, everyone is young, which often supports the belief of the people around him that he is also inexperienced and therefore unsuitable for promotion or a big project. The problem is simply in the physical appearance which plays an important role in what others think about us. The QuickBase Blog therefore brought some practical tips on how not to look too young at work - no matter how old we are.

Beware of crumpled clothes

Your clothes at work should not to give the impression that your mother did not manage to iron them or that you pulled the clothes out of the dirty laundry.

Leave your smartphone

The knowledge of technological innovations is definitely not a bad thing. However, if a colleague asks you about the weather and you automatically start looking for the latest weather forecast on your smartphone, think about yourself. He probably does not want you to give a meteorological presentation, he expects just a normal conversation.

Don't refer to your mommy and daddy

Be careful not to refer to your parents all the time you communicate with your colleagues. You would only point to your inexperience this way.

Learn how to work with others

Don't isolate yourself with your computer and your phone. Even if you prefer to work alone, remember that you cannot get along without the ability to cooperate with others.

Take interest in culture older than ten years

If you want to integrate with older colleagues, your cultural horizons should not end with the year 2002. Otherwise, you could not have a talk with them very much.


Article source QuickBase Blog - The Fast Track - management blog
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