Four major challenges in remote management of a team

The pandemic has invaded our offices, meaning many companies have had to switch to remote working almost overnight. This new norm of course poses new challenges. And as workplace habits have been changed forever by the current situation, many managers must learn to work  rather differently. What are the challenges in leading a team remotely? And how can you effectively face these challenges?


This text is derived from an article published on the Management Issues website.

Challenge no. 1: Lack of physical supervision over workers

One of the most obvious differences is the fact that a manager does not have subordinates under direct physical supervision. They cannot check when they come to work or what exactly they are doing. They can only monitor the results of their remote work.

Solution: If you previously had to supervise team members in person, this is a problem in itself. You should trust your team members and  be certain they will work responsibly even without constant supervision. Take steps to make workers more independent and build a feeling of mutual trust so you do not need to worry about what they are doing when working on their own.

Challenge no. 2: Difficult communication

There is a big difference in talking to someone in person and via a screen. Not only is communication between you and team members challenged, but also communication between workers themselves.

Solution: Do not forget about socialisation. From time to time you should organise a virtual meeting or informal session and support communication between individual employees. At the same time you should revaluate your current communication habits: adjust the length and frequency of meetings, or consider which of them are really necessary.

Challenge no. 3: Different working pace and new standards in organisation of work

Some things just take longer when done remotely. This fact needs to be reflected in what you expect from your team members.

Solution: Be understanding. You cannot expect the same efficiency from employees as you would under normal circumstances. Find out where the biggest hiccoughs and delays lie in remote working, and try to reset your system of work so it better fits the online environment and employees are not unnecessarily delayed.

Challenge no. 4: Feelings of loneliness and mental health of workers under pressure

The last challenge concerns the mental health of employees. Isolation, stress, uncertainty or cabin fever caused by being with family or flat mates all the time: all this can prove a lethal mix that can put a lot of pressure on the psyche of many people.

Solution: Learn to detect signals in employees that indicate something is wrong. Talk to colleagues about how they feel and create a safe environment where employees are not afraid to talk about any problems.



Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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