Can you think critically?

Critical thinking helps managers in everyday situations to handle complex and incomplete information, ask questions, distinguish strong arguments from the weak ones and the like. In today's rapidly changing business environment it is a prerequisite for successful  leadership roles. The American Management Association (AMA) summarized eight basic habits of critical thinking managers to better information processing, problem solving and decision making.

1. They are more interested in doing things right, than being right

Critically minded people can put aside their egos and admit that they do not know the answers to everything.

2. They do not make fast conclusions

Before acting, they take some time to get as much information as possible. They realize that the consequences of certain decisions have more weight and, therefore, require careful examination.

3. They want more than finding information

They ask questions to see what is behind the data that are ahead of them.

4. They do not analyze information to the extent that would stop them in decision making

They know that they can never have completely all the information. Thus, they pay careful attention to all available information and then decide.

5. They constantly learn and gather information

They are interested in a wide range of topics, constantly learn new things and collect the information they need to make decisions.

6. They are interested in alternative views

They try to understand the perspectives of potential customers and competitors.

7. They think critically about themselves 

They can explain how they reach their decisions allowing others to see their way of thinking. They ask themselves whether they have enough information, what the consequences of their decisions are and they are willing to change their views when they obtain new information.

8. They have a distinctive style of behavior

They are confident but not conceited. They are reflective but also able to act. They can be patient when there is much at stake and things are not clear. They read very much and clearly formulate their ideas. They can think independently but they are also interested in the opinions of others. They are responsible for their decisions.


Article source American Management Association - AMA official website
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