Body language for strong leaders


Every leader should be familiar with his body language. Read the following ten non-verbal recommendations for strong leaders by the American Management Association.

1. Greater confidence

Just two minutes in a "strong pose" like leaning with hands behind your head, laying your legs on the table or standing with outstretched arms and legs can enhance the level of testosterone in your body and decrease the level of the stress hormone cortisol.

2. Listening

When someone speaks to you, give your full attention to him. Turn your head and torso to him, maintain eye contact and keep nodding. Do not turn back, play with your cell pohne or controlyour watch.

3. Boost cooperation

Physical barriers have a great impact on the possiblity to develop cooperation. Remove, therefore, everything that puts a barrier between you and your team in any way. It may be even a poorly placed or held cup while drinking coffee.

4. Shaking hands

Short handshake creates a positive bond between people. We also remember the people who shook hands with us more.

5. Smile

Smile promotes your own sense of satisfaction while showing the people around that you are approachable, trustworthy and open to cooperation.

6. Mirror expressions and postures

To show others that you agree with them, observe their expressions, postures and gestures and let your body naturally repeat the same movements.

7. Speaking with hands

Once you include gestures into your speeches, you will speak and think better.

8. Revealing the truth

Remember that you are not alone in trying to control your body language. Facial expressions, gestures or positions of a skilled orator will therefore show nothing. Feet can show you the thuth. Nervousness and fear are reflected in the movements of feet.

9. Authority

To gain authority, do not raise your voice. Before an important interview or phone call, find a while to relax and repeat the sound "uhm". Be sure that your voice is not too high and it goes down at the end of sentences.

10. Memory improvement

There is a research showing that you can remember more when listening to others with your hands or feet uncrossed.


Article source American Management Association - AMA official website
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