Assumptions of successful managing up

"Manage up" means to take the initiative in building relationships with superiors. It is not yet so difficult as it might seem at first glance. 5 tips to managing up in your workplace were summarized on

Take the initiative

Do not wait until someone tells you what to do. Come up with your ideas on how to improve the daily work in your surroundings. You will be noticed soon.

Communicate with your boss

Ensure that he knows everything he should know about the projects you're working on.

Let your personal opinions to yourself

Regardless of what you feel to your boss, you should always put maximum effort. Maintain professionalism. If you have nothing nice to say, keep quiet.

Avoid office gossip

Do not slander anyone and do not engage in discussions in which your colleagues are slandered. If you cannot say something directly to a colleague, do not say it behind his back.

Build relationships

There is no "I" in a team. Good cooperation with others should be your priority.


Article source HR Communication - American website focused on HR and internal communication
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