A dream team that overcomes all obstacles: advice on creating it

Today's fast-paced times demand a high level of adaptability, flexibility and resilience from both individuals and teams. A team that clings to the status quo and disintegrates when it hits a major obstacle will not last long in the modern world. How do you build and sustain a team that is resilient and flexible, and ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead with pride and courage?


This text is inspired by an article on Forbes and based on research by McKinsey and Company.

Shared vision

Teams that are able to face obstacles always have one common vision. Challenges are much easier to face when you know what you want to achieve and where you are going. As managers, you need to provide your team with such a goal. That way, your team as a whole will have a visible point to aim for.

Effective and constructive communication

How well a team communicates will show up especially in crisis, escalated and uncertain situations. If communication within the team is unclear, slow or hostile, these problems will multiply in the face of difficult challenges. Have clear channels of communication, clearly defined responsibilities, and communicate positively and constructively with one another in the team.

Ability to adapt

The team should see change as an opportunity. No team should become too attached to the "good old ways", as it is often difficult to succeed with these when faced with new challenges. The team should always be prepared to adjust its structure and procedures slightly if the situation requires it, and its members should be mentally prepared to change their habits.

Controlling emotions

When an individual or a team faces complex challenges, it is quite normal to feel stressed or uncertain. During crises, team members' emotions towards one another are often vehemently expressed. But a good team should have a way to vent these emotions and turn them into something constructive. This can best be done by educating staff about mental health and mental hygiene.

Continuous education

Last but not least, it is essential for the flexibility of the team that its members continuously educate and push themselves. Staff should not stagnate in one place; otherwise, they will find it very difficult to cope with an unexpected and previously unknown situation.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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