3 ways to ruin your career once and for all

There are many recommendations on what to do in order to achieve a successful career. However, we often ignore what we should not do.

There are at least three critical career mistakes we tend to make not only at the beginning of a career but throughout our entire working life. What are they?


In an article for LinkedIn, well-known pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation Dr Deepak Chopra explains that our career is often damaged by our misconceptions. He considers the following assumptions the biggest mistakes we can make in our careers.

1. Too low expectations

Most people are not self-confident enough. They want to feel safe and therefore lower their career expectations. They rest in job roles with a low possibility of further growth and then accuse their jobs of not offering them any better possibilities. The jobs are, however, not to blame: it is their own mental limitations preventing them from setting higher goals.

2. Fear of uncertainty

Certainty in life is relative. If you want to achieve true success, you need to accept uncertainty and start perceiving the unknown as a source of opportunities to develop creatively. Keeping yourself in an uncertain position is not easy; it is, however, necessary if you do not want to close doors to a better career for ever.

3. Ignoring growth opportunities

When choosing a job, we are usually only interested in whether we can perform the particular role. What we forget is to consider options for further growth provided by different roles or companies. Everyone should count on further development and the possibility to become someone else in the future.

Successful people know who they are. They have their visions and want to work on them. They keep on developing and have an open mind. They have managed to cope with the fear of uncertainty and learned to perceive new challenges. If this seems too difficult for you at the beginning, start by surrounding yourself with people who think in this way and can inspire you.


Article source LinkedIn Pulse - LinkedIn blogging platform
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