What should project managers wish for the new year?

As this year is coming to its end, it is the right time to reflect about what we wish for the new year. If you work as project managers, let yourself be inspired by the wishes and tips on how to achieve these wishes in practice summarized by projectsmart.co.uk.

1. Respect from your team

It is not enough to demand respect, you must deserve it. Be a role model for your people and they will follow you.

2. Support form the top

Most successful projects are supported by a company leadership. Get the support from the top for you, too.

2. Right people

Support from above is not enough itself. You need the right people who can do what you need on time and within your budget.

4. Right communication

Respect, support and right people should be connected by regular communication.

5. A bit of luck

Every man is the founder of his own fortune. Grow an atmosphere of optimism and enthusiasm in your team.


Article source Project Smart - British website focused on project management
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