Each project should be based on questions


A good project manager can ask questions. He knows that with clear and detailed answers he can prevent unnecessary failures in his projects. The initial enthusiasm actually often overshadows the need for planning and projects then lack definitions of basic areas. Assumptions about what should be done by whom arise.

Projectsmart.co.uk therefore came up with a summary of the questions each project manager should ask no matter what the type of project he leads and what type of organization he works for. We selected the ten most important ones, you can read the the entire list in the original article below.

  1. What business objectives is the project to achieve?

  2. What are the possible consequences of the project failure for your business (finance, reputation, etc.)?

  3. Are there some easy to implement alternatives to implement the project?

  4. What are the disadvantages of implementing the project?

  5. Who is the principal owner of the project with the ultimate responsibility?

  6. Who will be responsible for ensuring the necessary resources to implement the project?

  7. What criteria will determine the successful achievement of the project goals?

  8. Will the project require retraining of staff?

  9. Who will decide what changes to make during the project?

  10. What contingencies will the project budget include?


Article source Project Smart - British website focused on project management
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