Women in tech industry (2/2): What can help them to get promoted?

Women must be assured that their accomplishments will be recognized, since for women in tech industry it's important to avoid getting stuck in middle management.


In the previous article, we saw what can be  obstacles in women's careers. Now we'll see more of how women can actually get promoted.

Extra opportunities

Examples of opportunities that can foster growth are making a presentation at a conference on behalf of the firm or getting elected to a body which sets technical standards for the industry. Finding a good mentor is another way to advance more quickly, since it provides advice on how to approach challenges in a new way. Mentors also provide honest feedback.

Women also shouldn’t feel that it's a mark of weakness to ask for support. Any inner doubts must be silenced – to be provided with support is nothing to be ashamed of, especially if it was promised, and is now missing, according to an article on the Center for Creative Leadership website.

Networking with sponsors

Networking is critical for career growth. In the tech industry, good relations with sponsors are also highly important. A sponsor is someone who has the power and knowledge to recommend you for new projects or for a promotion.

In a male-dominated environment, recommendations are very helpful. However, the social interactions often happen in these environments somewhat uncomfortable for women. A classic example is drinks after work.

Removing implicit biases

To tackle this issue, it may be a good idea to introduce breakfast meetings instead of drinks after work. Women can also set up one-on-one meetings which would serve as informational interviews. Or women can try to set up networking groups for women in technology – these groups work well in Silicon Valley.


Article source Center for Creative Leadership - CCL® website
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Články v sérii


Women in tech industry (1/2): What limits their career success?


Women in tech industry (2/2): What can help them to get promoted?