Do not work harder, but smarter. What does this actually mean in practice?

Professional and self-development literature often suggests that higher productivity and career success is not necessarily based on working more but, most importantly, on working smarter. But what does this actually mean in practice? And how to start working smarter? Here are some tips.


These tips were published by Business Insider.

Set clear goals

The first step is to be clear about what you want to achieve, the direction of travel, and how far you want to go. Write down your goals and define them as precisely as possible.

Where possible, delegate work

Delegating work is not a sign of incompetence; on the contrary, when used properly, it is a sign of good work organisation. As a manager, you should learn to delegate work effectively and teach your subordinates to do the same.

Rely more on automation

These days, there is a widely available range of automation tools and programs using artificial intelligence. Try to find ways to use automation in your work and get rid of some routine tasks.

Prioritise and do not become overwhelmed by routine tasks

Want to work smarter? Then prioritise better. Be clear about what you want to do each day and where you want to invest your energy. This will help you avoid being overwhelmed by routine tasks.

Remember to relax

It sounds slightly paradoxical, but in order to work more efficiently and smarter, you need to plan breaks and time for yourself. Relax regularly, occasionally put work aside, and you will see you are more efficient at work.


Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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