Seven tips to help you reach maximum productivity

Many talented and intelligent people fall far short of their full potential simply because they don't know how to organise their work well or be as productive as possible. They often waste their talents and are outpaced by people who may lack the same talent, but know how to work efficiently and plan their work. To ensure this is not the case for you too, here are seven tips on how to achieve your highest possible productivity.


These tips were published by

Always prioritise short and long term

First and foremost, you need to determine what your goals are and what you actually want to focus on as a priority. This is the only way to eliminate unimportant work and really focus primarily on what makes sense to you. Therefore, have both long-term priorities (within a year or more) and short-term ones (within weeks and months).

Do not be afraid to delegate work

Delegating work does not mean you are incompetent or ineffective. On the contrary: it shows you recognise you cannot do everything yourself and that there are priorities which should be your primary focus. So learn to delegate your work to others - colleagues or subordinates.

Take short breaks from work

For maximum efficiency, it is essential to be able to schedule regular breaks into your working day, even if they are only ten minutes long.

Choose the right software tools and technological aids

Modern technology offers countless tools and aids. Take the time to choose the tools that are best for you, ones that will actually save you time and effort rather than only add to your worries. The time you invest in choosing the right tools will pay many times over.

Make your physical and mental health an absolute priority

Someone who focuses only on maximum performance and does not pay attention to their mind and body will sooner or later burn out and lose all motivation, or in the worst case even suffer from some illness.

Plan your work

We are deliberately leaving this point vague. Everyone works and functions differently, so everyone has to find their own way to plan work and personal life. Whichever way you choose, however, you have to be able to plan your work somehow.

Learn not to procrastinate

Eliminate distractions at work, do not jump from one thing to another, and devote to work tasks a shorter time but more intense attention rather than the other way round.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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