Four tips on motivating subordinates to study

Sooner or later, people who do not educate themselves will miss the boat. This is true on both an individual and team level. As a manager, you should always try to motivate subordinates to keep learning, be inquisitive and push themselves. But how to achieve this in practice?


These tips were published by

Lead by example

It is simple: no matter how hard you try to explain the benefits of education to your subordinates, if you do not educate yourself, you can hardly expect others to do so. So as a first step, you need to start with yourself and set an example in this regard.

Offer a training programme linked to the day-to-day practice of your employees

In terms of education and motivation, there is nothing worse than learning something you know you will never use. So one of the basic lessons to learn here is that the training and courses offered should always be related to the actual practice of the workers concerned.

Establish a clear and structured training plan with each subordinate

Every employee in your team should have their own development and training plan, which is tailored to them and reflects their personal needs and preferences as well as the company's priorities and requirements.

Reward workers who take courses

Last but not least, in order to motivate employees to learn you need to reward learning. For example, education, certification, or completion of certain courses can be linked to a pay rise or career advancement opportunity. Similarly, never underestimate the power of public praise for someone who has, for example, completed some complex training.



Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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