Six tips on motivating employees and boosting their confidence daily

One of the most important tasks of any manager is to boost the confidence of subordinates and gradually help them become more effective and assertive as workers. A bad manager who merely issues employees with directives will create a toxic environment; a good manager, on the other hand, supports team members in their personal development, motivates them and helps them gain confidence in what they are doing. This article offers six tips on how to motivate employees and boost their confidence on a daily basis.


Listen to the opinions and feelings of your employees

According to, you must first of all rekindle and perfect your listening skills. When an employee is talking, you must genuinely listen to them, think about what they are saying and take into account their ideas and opinions.

When communicating with employees, use the same phrases they use

One excellent psychological trick that will help you build rapport with subordinates and boost their confidence is to mirror the way they communicate. This means you should use the same phrases and communication style they use.

Treat employees as unique individuals

People can tell if you are only pretending to be interested in them and just treating them in the same, universally applicable way you treat everyone else. The key to motivating employees and boosting their confidence is to regard them as truly unique individuals and take into consideration their specifics when talking to them.

Be a member of the team and go through everything together

The working morale of the whole team is best supported by being a proper part of it and dealing with all situations as a group.

Publicly praise a job well done

If you want your team members to produce excellent work and give of their best, you must offer them something in return for a job well done, among other things by praising them publicly and highlighting their work within the team.

Tolerate mistakes and teach employees to learn from them

If you criticise your employees for every little mistake they make, they will soon retreat into their comfort zone and not want to advance their skills any further. Be appropriately tolerant when it comes to mistakes and teach your employees to learn from their failures.



Article source - TED is a nonprofit devoted to "Ideas Worth Spreading". 
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