5 tips on asking your boss for a raise or a change in working conditions

Markets are on the rise, people are changing jobs, many of those who have spent most of their life in one position that seemed too low to them are now gaining courage and seeking new possibilities. If you have been thinking for some time about a change in your earnings or working conditions, now is definitely an opportune moment to make an attempt. However, many people do not know how to approach their boss concerning such changes. Here are five tips on how to prepare for such a request and, above all, how to succeed with it.


Be confident

According to the Harvard Business Review, you must start by believing in yourself and your skills. It is no use convincing anybody about these skills if you yourself are not confident. You personally must feel that you are entitled to what you are about to ask for.

Remind yourself of the asset you have been to the company

Make an analysis of everything you have brought to the company while working for it. Point out the projects with which you succeeded and the systemic changes you initiated.

Interconnect your request with the aims of the company

Every company has its vision and direction. For the request to appeal to your boss, it must be in accordance with the direction in which the company as a whole is moving.

Have a clear idea

Do not go to your superior with just a vague idea about a non-specific change that should be made. Come with a specific request that you can support with concrete arguments.

Prepare your monologue in advance

While it might seem stupid to you at the beginning, it is worth practising your speech in front of a mirror. Or you should at least say it to yourself in your own words. That way you might detect any weak points in your request.


Article source Harvard Business Review - flagship magazine of Harvard Business School
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