How not to look too old in the office


While looking in the mirror you start to notice the first gray hair. And when you watch the younger colleagues and managers around you, you really feel old. Suddenly you start worrying that the others are intensely aware of your ageing and are no longer counting on you. Whether this feeling of yours is justified or not, appearance really does play an important role in what others think of you. The QuickBase Blog therefore presented practical tips on how to not come across as too old at work – regardless of how old you are.

Do not crouch

Ask someone to take a photo of you or record you from different sides when you’re standing and walking. It will motivate you to keep your body more upright. Also choose exercises that will help you keep your body straight.

Do not rely on plastic surgery

If you are planning to have plastic surgery, you should be ready for the fact that people will look at you and talk about you. They will be more interested in your body rather than your skills.

Refresh your wardrobe

The older a person is, the more important it is for him/her to wear high-quality and well-fitting clothing. But this definitely does not mean you need to start shopping in the most expensive stores. Ladies can start by replacing their uncomfortable high heels with lower ones and gentlemen by choosing pants that fit their waist but are not too baggy around the legs.

Let your smile shine

Try one of the home care teeth whitening products or -- even better -- go to the dentist. A shining smile looks good at any age.


Article source QuickBase Blog - The Fast Track - management blog
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