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Your query "Prodejn%C3%AD%20techniky" has returned 657 articles.

icon Facebook to introduce a conversion button


In late January, Facebook announced that it will soon be possible to add a call to action button in page post ads. The function will also work on mobile devices. This way, Facebook apparently responds…

icon Do you sell too little through your website? We know why!


Online selling is not easy, therefore, you probably welcome the findings of Qubit, who collected user data and complaints from 400 websites for three years. They identified ten areas which have…

icon 3 reasons why people do not want anybody to sell them anything


There is a saying in sales that goes: People love buying, but they hate being sold. This business proverb describes one of the paradoxes in sales. If, you, as a salesperson, know that your product…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon B2B: Behave like the person you want to talk to


If you want to be successful in B2B, you need to aim high and talk to people who have the necessary authority to decide about important things. Getting to decision-makers and not losing time with…

icon E-mail can do more than social media. How is this possible?


The only disadvantage of e-mail marketing is that it it will not surprise anyone. However, when it comes to ROI, it's the most effective tool to increase sales and the actual growth of the company. …

icon The recipe for a headline which makes people click


Researchers in Norway tested what marketers are trying to find for years: How to write the perfect headline that really attracts readers and makes them read on. According to a study published in the…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon 5 sales professions on the rise


As long as entrepreneurship and businesses exists, a sales force will be needed. Changes brought by modern technology, advances in IT and the development in global economics, will parallel the nature…

icon 4 steps to reach success in sales in 2014


What will developments in sales be like next year and what do you need to do to keep pace? The EyesOnSales gives the following answers: You have to increase the effectiveness of your selling by at…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon 3 most common mistakes of sales beginners


To be successful in sales is more than just about enthusiasm, the right personality and eloquence. Salespeople often become successful only after they have gained experience, which is usually around…

icon The year is 2014. People read e-mails mainly from mobile


E-mail is already quite an old marketing tool, so we do not expect many surprises here. However, last year we may have first heard about optimizing e-mail campaigns for mobile devices. Recent study by…

icon Children believe in Santa. What do your consumers believe in?


According to an international survey conducted by Nielsen, finally after several years consumer confidence is rising, which is very important for economic development. Trust and ensuing confidence…

icon How bad SEO can hurt your business


It is obvious that good SEO is a part of marketing of any company. However, many managers are unaware that there is no single recipe for SEO and it is not a static thing. SEO strategy is very…

icon The ultimate CRM objective: to surprise and delight customers


Imagine that you are travelling to the same hotel for the fourth time this year. Upon arrival at the reception, there is a personal letter from the hotel manager. Isn't it nice that they noticed your…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How do you know that a potential client is lucrative?


One of the key factors of being successful in the sales business is the ability to properly analyze potential clients. There are several criteria for leads that is contact information of people who…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Avoid non-profitable clients


Being able to recognize trouble-making clients whose maintenance will cost you more than what is their revenue is as important as being able to correctly identify key customers who deserve your care.…

Listing 616 to 630 out of 657