
Which soft skills are fundamental to success?

Hard skills are usually considered to be job specific. With soft skills, however, the situation is different. Soft skills are interpersonal skills such as listening or communication. These can be deployed in any job and in any field. 

Honest auditors under fire: how the audit market penalises them

A recent study by researchers from the University of Arkansas entitled Don’…

Debt is cheaper for publicly traded companies than for privately held ones

The cost of debt is an important factor in deciding whether to make a…

Most innovative countries in the world (2/2): Healthcare is the future

The previous article mentioned those countries which have made it into top…

Most innovative countries in the world (1/2)

Continuous investment and leadership are the most crucial factors for…

Tips on successfully starting a business

First of all, if you want to build a business, you need to be an effective…

Innovative leaders: new products are not enough

Let’s take a look at why innovative methods must be applied not only in IT…

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