Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How to identify your own strengths

If you think you don’t yet know all your strengths, you might try taking the following steps.

You need to know your blind spots (2/2)

The previous article described the first step you need to undertake if you want to break a chain of…

Failures: always try to learn from them

You are not a failure if you haven’t given up trying to improve. You need to be ready to learn so…

Two effective ways to change your mindset when feeling down

Mindsets can change even without time-consuming journalling, meditating, and other steps that are…

The luxury of relaxing on vacation

Vacation is a time of lower mental activity when we can enjoy moments of significantly lower stress.…

Why we shouldn’t glorify failure

Given the pace of change today, probably all of us know that we shouldn’t be ashamed of failure.…

What you are focusing on?

We often focus on something we dislike or are not satisfied with. We think about it repeatedly and…

How to rediscover enthusiasm for work

Marie Kondo, a Japanese tidying guru, has some advice that can be well applied to working lives…

Are subordinates trying to sabotage your efforts, or is it something else?

Do you know which simple piece of advice could save many a manager? More specifically, it could save…

Listing 37 to 45 out of 196