Post your event for free on LinkedIn Events

Thanks to the LinkedIn Events functionality, you can create and share events privately or within a company website. This will make it easier for you to communicate events and organise meetings in public and online spaces, so integrate this tool into your communication strategy


As a LinkedIn member, you can create your own event pages via the panel on the left side of the LinkedIn home page. You can easily find it below the list of groups you follow under the Events bullet. Use the "+" sign to start inserting a new action immediately.

Fill in the name of your event, description, date, time and place on a simple form and select from the drop-down menu whether you want to publish the event under your personal profile or under the name of the company page of which you are also an administrator. For a better visual impression, you can add an introductory banner and logo.

Columns for placing a direct link for online broadcasting and ticket purchase/registration are also available separately in the form. At the end of the form, just state whether you want the event to be private or public and you can publish. Publicising an event costs nothing, and if you publicise an event under the banner of a specific company, it will automatically appear on the company profile, where it will be seen by users who are following you.

Another advantage of the event is the possibility of inviting other people from your own network of contacts and following the list of participants directly below the event page. Here you can share ongoing updates with them and entice them to participate.

LinkedIn Events is very similar to Facebook Events and, given the professional nature of LinkedIn, it's surprising it hasn't introduced this tool before. However, it is now fully available for your marketing.



Article source LinkedIn - the largest business-oriented social network worldwide
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