The most important management skills according to legendary coach Brian Tracy

Becoming a truly successful manager requires long-term effort and perseverance. This article will describe the most important traits every manager should possess, according to legendary coach and author Brian Tracy. You should focus on these if you are aspiring to a management position or want to improve in your current management role.


This text draws on the blog of Brian Tracy at

Support the best traits of the people around you

A good manager is someone capable of seeing the best in others and supporting them in areas where they excel. Learn not to criticise people around you (especially your subordinates) for what they are less good at, and learn to praise them for what they do well. And support them in developing skills and traits that make these individuals unique.

Serve as a role model

A good manager must always serve as a role model. People management is similar to parenthood: what you say matters less than how you behave. As with children, you will best motivate subordinates by serving as an example.

Communicate priorities and requests to subordinates clearly

A common mistake of manages is the inability to communicate clearly what they want from their subordinates. Communication with team members must be completely unambiguous. And you must also show them clearly the key points of your plan, what exactly you want from them, and on what priorities they should focus.

Keep a positive and constructive mindset at all times

Even if the whole world around is falling apart, a manager must always stay positive and seek the best way out of the crisis. So maintain a positive attitude, learn to deal with stress and frustration, and teach your subordinates to adopt the same approach.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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