Five resolutions that will give you a healthier and more sustainable attitude to work

The pandemic, stress, remote working and balancing one's personal and work life: all these factors play a role in our approach to work and how healthy this approach is. The new year is an ideal opportunity to define for yourself a few resolutions that will help you improve your own attitude to work and may also positively inspire members of your team.


These tips were published by The Muse.

I will not skip breakfast, snacks or lunch

Many people solve the problem of a seeming lack of time by not eating and drinking at regular intervals. But in the long run this is very bad for one's health. This is why one of your resolutions should be eating in a healthy, quality and regular manner.

I will actively rest at weekends and when on holiday

Active rest is one of the key forms of relaxation that will prevent you having high blood pressure and an increased production of stress hormones. Learn to switch off during weekends and days off; don't think about work but relax in an active way.

I will reserve time for strategic planning every week

People are so often overwhelmed with everyday tasks that they do not have any time for strategic and long-term planning. But even a small change in processes and long-term attitude can prevent you becoming overwhelmed by minor but pressing tasks.

I will prepare a schedule for each day

Planning a schedule for each day is a way to avoid chaotic multi-tasking and procrastination. At the end of every (yes, every) working day, you should prepare a detailed schedule for the next day.

I will keep developing in my field

Despite all the urgent tasks facing you, you should not lose sight of your personal development and education. Develop yourself, spend enough time educating yourself and plan some form of training for 2022.



Article source The Muse - U.S. website focused on smart career advice and long-term professional development
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