How to recognise a good boss at an interview

If your New Year's resolution is to find a new job and you are working hard on preparing for interviews, you should be aware that job interviews are not just a good way for employers to learn something about you; they also offer you the chance to evaluate your potential new boss.


How, then, do you know you have found the right place? The CBS News website advises you to look out for the following signs:

1. You are the centre of attention

Note the extent to which they listen to you and how easily they are distracted. If someone cannot even give you their full attention during an interview, how are they likely to behave once they hire you?

2. The interview is logical in sequence

If you get the feeling that the individual parts of the interview make no sense and the person that is sitting across from you is unable to make quick decisions, you are probably not wrong.

3. They talk openly about your predecessor

A good boss will tell you himself or through the recruiter why the person that held the position you are applying for left in the first place.

4. They smile and are calm

You are more likely to want to work for someone who is calm and pleasant than for someone who is easily thrown off-balance and who is nervous even when they first meet you. Note also whether your potential colleagues present at the interview smile too.

5. They are courteous

Pay attention to your general surroundings. Did they leave you waiting long at reception without anyone giving you some basic information? Did the person leading the interview get out of his chair to shake your hand?

6. They speak well of your potential colleagues

If you hear criticism of current employees at the interview, you should beware. They will probably speak the same way about you.

7. They are interested in your long-term goals

Your potential boss taking an interest in your long-term goals is a good sign that he would like to work with you for a longer period of time. You should therefore be very well prepared to answer any questions about what you have planned for the next five years.


Article source CBS MoneyWatch - server of the CBS media group related to management and sales
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How to recognise a good boss at an interview


How to recognize a good boss at an interview