4 steps to a great culture in small businesses


Building culture in a small company follows different rules than in large organizations. Strong culture arises from interactions of everyday work, not from big strategies that come to ordinary employees as notices from above. Openforum.com described four tips for developing a friendly and effective culture in small businesses.

Follow a consistent approach to recruitment

You should have a list of the properties of the ideal candidate to work in your company and in addition to specific knowledge and skills of candidates examine also whether they could fit into the team.

Do not try to be a friend of your employees

Owners and managers of small businesses should bear in mind that they are the bosses and behave to their employees professionally. Collegial atmosphere is one thing, work is, however, not only fun and managers must require their staff to be responsible and complete their tasks.

Promote team spirit

Inquire about the views and comments of your people and talk with them about important decisions. Reward employees for their ideas and the ability to work as a team.

Promote mutual respect

Set an example and show your people how to treat customers and each other in difficult situations. At the same time, make it sufficiently clear that offensive remarks and other offensive behavior will not be tolerated.


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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