User onboarding: allow your app to make a stellar first impression

Onboarding of new users is a crucial stage in the user journey of every app. It is the first real point of contact with the new user. Onboarding is the process through which you actively guide users in order to help them recognise the new value you are providing.


The user onboarding process serves to turn your newly acquired users into highly engaged, and also paying, users.

Even apps with good UX need it

No matter how well-designed your app is, it may be challenging to new users to recognise intuitively how to navigate it or get the most out of it. Onboarding helps by:

  • familiarising users with the app
  • enabling users quickly to start using the app
  • giving you the opportunity to communicate strategically with your new users
  • facilitating positive user experience while revealing the app’s value to users

It moves your UX to the next level

Even user-friendly apps may be not so easy for first-time users. All major apps like Gmail, Facebook, and Tinder have at least minimal user onboarding. This simply enhances the UX, according to the website.

It sets up expectations

Users often install several competing apps of the same category and choose which one to stick to based on their first impressions. Thus the first few seconds of interaction are key. If a user onboarding process instantly shows the app’s value, you have won.

Potential users shouldn’t have to guess what the app is going to offer: they should be able to learn it immediately.

An app with onboarding looks more professional

Having a well-designed user onboarding process with crisp explanations makes your app look much more polished. You can also use it to explain neatly any advanced features the app offers. Just split the user onboarding process into multiple phases and make them available when they are needed.


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