Vacation: Allow yourself not to work


Vacation is benefitial not only for you and your family but also for your job you will return to refreshed and with new ideas. You should, however, take a real rest and change your environment with a minimal amount distractions from your office. Start by securing a responsible deputy for the time you will be out of office. He or she will handle urgent issues for you and be your contact person for cases when you will have to handle something yourself. Do not contact the rest of the office.

Specify a limited time for reading emails and visiting social networking sites

If possible, do not connect at all. If you, however, have to keep yourself updated, connect eg. once every 48 hours and spend the shortest possible time working on the Internet.

Make it clear that you are on vacation

People should know that you are on vacation not to try to catch you. Therefore, turn off the phone and set an automatic out of office respond on your email.

Take your vacation at the same time as others

Do not work during public holidays, Christmas and other times when most people do not work. These are the days when only minor things generally happen in companies and your vacation will therefore be more comfortable.


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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