Search results

Your query "Pr��b��h obchodn�� sch��zky" has returned 374 articles.

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Clues in the office of a prospect: How to read them


It can be very helpful to read what is written in the appearance of a prospects office. All things can tell us, at least with some certain probability, something about his or her personality,…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Do you want to be a successful seller? Find out the client's why


Every seller can explain what the product can do. Plenty of them can also explain how it works. Most of them are satisfied with explaining only these two points to the client. Do you see yourself in…

icon Customer loyalty is essential


Many salespeople and companies still use the same behaviour patterns as everyone else when communicating with clients. But generally accepted concepts, such as focusing on customers and their…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How to win trust during a sales call


The preparations you make prior to a sales call are not the only thing that matters. It is easy to forget, but the way you speak makes a difference to your sales call. What is your pace, rather a slow…

icon Everyday negotiations


Negotiation skills are very important not only in your professional life, but also in your personal life. You can negotiate in order to close a big deal, to get more interesting and challenging tasks…

icon Control the situation - a lesson from an airport terminal


Controlling a situation means acting in a way that is both assertive and respectful. To achieve complete control, you need empathy, communication and credibility.Chris Lytle, a writer that contributes…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Extra effort needed: How to get in touch with prospect client


This is an eternal question in sales. The potential customer does not answer calls. Should we invest a little bit more of our valuable time? The answer is not easy. The high-energy speaker and…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Introverted salespeople


Introverts do not live in complete isolation; they are, however, rather selective in their choice of partners and friends. Introverted people are, of course, still able to communicate and work with…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How to get a "Yes" in sales


Nicola Cook, MD of the Shortcuts consultancy company, dealing with leadership and sales, is also the author of a book entitled The Secrets of Success in Selling. She shared some of her tricks with the…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon When the client is "reviewing other options"


"I have had other offers as well." "I would like to browse some more." "I do not want to make a decision until I have reviewed all options." These answers frequently come at the end of your sales…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How to overcome the initial lack of interest of a client


"I am not interested" is a frequent objection that many salespeople do not know how to overcome. It is a paradox that often sales reps hear this sentence before they even offer anything. "I am not…

icon How to sell to key accounts?


Key accounts are not just ordinary customers. A truly professional B2B sales person has to use more inventive strategies and involve all his abilities to establish and maintain a productive…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon 6 tips for becoming more persuasive


Every salesperson should be able to persuade individuals or groups of people. Situations are not rare where a manager has to persuade the entire company about something. No matter whether you are…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Three gestures to look out for when negotiating


Gestures, movements, body postures or facial expressions: these indicators tell you more about someone than what they are saying. According to the server, almost 90% of communication is on the…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Tips on how to make the most of a short meeting with a prospect


The first meeting with a client is by far the most important, but there is often not much time for it. Prospective clients frequently forget about the meetings, come late, forgot what your company…

Listing 316 to 330 out of 374