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Your query "Kari%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDra" has returned 440 articles.

The world of work in 2050 (1/2)


The world of work has been changing rapidly in recent years hand in hand with speedy developments in technology as well as society as a whole. Clothing, for example, isn't as…

Training, training, training


Do you want to get promoted? You should consider getting more training. Research conducted by Wyzant (an online network of tutors) and (a business in the…

Článek v rámci předplatného 5 simple tricks that will help you succeed in life and work


Our personal and professional lives are always interconnected. It's usually true that if you want to be more successful at work you have to make certain changes in your way of life and…

Live the life you want


Too often we have several excuses at our disposal which make it easier for us not to do what we feel we should. But instead of excuses, it would be better to have some reasons to succeed. Stop being…

Článek v rámci předplatného How do busy people stay calm?


Calm, balance and attentiveness are traits that help you use your time as efficiently as possible. If you don't work under stress and you deal with things in a calm and logical manner, your…

Is self-praise the best thing you can do for your career?


To get promoted, you need to get the message across to your bosses what you have achieved. You need to be positive that they see the things youve done. People sometimes brag in order to get promoted…

Brian Tracy: How to get closer to your dreams


Some of us probably never take the time to set goals, but you must do it. The next step is to plan what your path to success will look like. Without a plan, you'll be confused and have nothing you…

Is your mindset agile or anti-agile? (1/2)


Market forces make it necessary for us to adapt and learn all the time. In emergency situations, top-down direction may be called for; most of the time, however, broad empowerment is more beneficial.…

Want to be more successful? 6 morning habits that hype you up for the new day


It is surprising to what extent our morning activities define how well we will be able to function throughout the day. If you get out of bed in a bad mood, feeling demotivated, tired and without…

Looking for a job: Be grateful but not intrusive


When you're trying to get a new job, you can impress the people you interact with. How? Send a thank-you note to a potential employer after the interview took place. It's a common courtesy to thank…

Do you want more flexibility at work? Try these roles


Flexibility in working life is a very pleasant thing to have, which is why some positions and roles are more appealing to professionals than others. Work flexibility is important for job-seekers. Not…

Base your career on a professional network - you need no more than 10


Connections can offer cooperation you may not expect. Building connections has evolved over past few years. Increasingly, meetings take place on social media platforms. Formal introductions are no…

Do you want to be rich? 5 ways to become wealthy


Many who know rich people agree on one thing. Becoming wealthy is not necessarily connected to brilliance, luck or formal education. What all those who made their own fortune have in common is a…

Habits are the best servant, but a leader's worst master


When you are trying to be a better leader, you will need to kick some of your current habits and develop new ones. Which habits do you definitely need to eliminate? - The need to always be right. -…

Brian Tracy: Being popular is not that difficult


Do you want to be charming and popular? Here are some tips on what to do as formulated by Brian Tracy, the famous motivational and sales speaker. First of all, learn to listen. When you listen…

Listing 121 to 135 out of 440